Our Beliefs

We are a cooperating member of the Southern Baptist Convention.

As such we hold to the views expressed in the Baptist Faith & Message.

Baptist Faith & Message

The Baptist Faith & Message 2000 is a statement of faith that outlines the core beliefs of Southern Baptists. It provides a biblical foundation for theology, church practice, and Christian living. Here’s a summary of its key points:

1. The Scriptures

The Bible is God's Word, inspired, true, and the ultimate authority for faith and life.

2. God

There is one God who exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

3. Humanity

People are made in God's image but are separated from Him because of sin.

4. Salvation

Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, who died and rose again for our sins.

5. God's Purpose of Grace

God knows and calls people to salvation, but they must respond in faith.

6. The Church

The church is a local body of baptized believers who worship, serve, and spread the Gospel.

7. Baptism & the Lord’s Supper

Baptism is for believers and done by immersion. The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice.

8. The Lord’s Day

Sunday is the special day for worship and rest.

9. The Kingdom

God’s kingdom includes His rule now and His future reign when Christ returns.

10. Last Things

Jesus will return, and believers will live forever with God, while unbelievers face judgment.

11. Evangelism & Missions

Christians are commanded to share the Gospel with the world.

12. Education

Learning and teaching truth are important for growing in faith.

13. Stewardship

Christians should use their time, talents, and money for God’s glory.

14. Cooperation

Baptists work together for missions and ministry while maintaining church independence.

15. The Christian & Social Order

Believers should seek justice, help the needy, and live with integrity.

16. Religious Liberty

Everyone has the right to follow their faith without government interference.

17. Family

The family is designed by God, with marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

This statement reflects Baptist beliefs and how they apply to life, church, and the world.

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